viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Huevos de Pascua (Easter Eggs)

Antes de irnos de Semana Santa, y ya que somos un colegio bilingüe, debemos trabajar los aspectos socioculturales de la lengua inglesa, para ello hemos enfatizado en una tradición muy dulce "los huevos de Pascua" (Easter Eggs).

Nuestra asistente de conversación, Chloe, venida desde el Reino Unido, nos cuenta esto:

Easter is a Christian festival which is celebrated on different dates every year, between 21 March and 25 of April.  The custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life, as Christians remember that Christ died on the cross on Good Friday and rose from the dead 3 days later. 
Firstly, as we eat away at our chocolate eggs, it can be easily forgotten that eating eggs was not permitted by the church in the week leading up to Easter. As a result, any eggs lying around were decorated and given to children as gifts.  
Also, the egg is a symbol of Jesus’ resurrection for Christians. But how could an egg possibly do such a thing? Well, firstly a chocolate Easter egg is hollow, which stands for the empty tomb when Jesus came back to life. In addition an egg represents new life, fertility and rebirth. 
Lastly, we could not finish without mentioning the Easter bunny which is also an essential part of Easter. Rabbits are also a symbol for new life as they give birth to a big litter of babies.  And the legend goes that the bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs for children to find and enjoy. 
Happy Easter!

¡Gracias por tu ayuda Chloe!

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